Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Deoch Mass 3-9-2022 - Possibility (Part 1)

The pairing of the Spark of Deoch and Mundane creates a new life… we, the Aisling. There is much discussion around this process and what exactly this “Spark” is. There are those in the past that suggested it imbues the newly created life with the Inspiration of Deoch, making Aisling beings of endless creativity and imagination.

It is no surprise that many came to this conclusion. Those first few decades were a renaissance of new thought, writings, and art to which Temuair had never witnessed before in its long history. There is little wonder that many revered Deoch for gifting us with such prowess.

As time went forward it was noticed that many new Aislings had no aptitude or desire to be creative and instead took on singularly martial roles. Leading us to question what we had considered a truth; that perhaps Deoch did not include his divine inspiration as part of his contribution to this Spark he helped create.

Many lost faith, not understanding why new Aislings did not have this gift that so many of the first Aisling possessed. The loss of idealism led to them leaving this dream for a time or, in some cases, forever.

So if Deoch did not include a touch of his divine Inspiration into his and Danaan’s creation… what was the gift Deoch imbued within the Spark? To my mind, that gift is the gift of ‘possibility’. Apart, the Mundane is rooted in drudgery and the Dreaming Spirit caught by the Spark just a formless consciousness of a creature burdened with expectation and experience of their waking world. With the joining of the two into our Aisling form, we are given to endless possibilities and the freedom to decide what that means. A fresh start to where anything is possible.

This is the great gift of the Spark and the true nature of The Aisling.
After all, what is more divine than another chance at life? Even if it is only in dreams.

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