Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Deoch Mass 3-2-2022 - Reaching to the Future

Sometimes letting go of the past is hard. It is familiar; comfortable. Our personal history is filled with lost moments that often ask to be remembered because they once held a special significance.

It is a mistake to think that moving forward means forgetting the past. It matters little if the road you have traveled has been pleasant or arduous; it is a part of you regardless. So, in that way letting go is never a function of forgetting for you cannot forget the past any more than you can trim away parts of your soul. Instead, letting go is loosening the grip from a fist to a gentle touch; a grasp so tight on the past cannot reach for the future.

This is especially true for those that currently live in hard times… the desire to reach out to cherished memories is strong. Our remembrance to the people we knew, places we’ve been, and to those that we loved form a powerful tether to situations that now only exist in memory.

There is a great risk in this because memories can become warped idealized versions of themselves and cause one to struggle with reality. This is the result of the mind gripping tightly to a memory made fantasy, making ‘the perfect the enemy of good’, as it were… unable to accept anything less than the ideal. It is only through opening the hand of acceptance that one can see the possibilities the future still holds.

Let us take this concept and apply it to the Temuair of today. There are those that fight so hard to bring back a version of Temuair that is long gone… and in some cases never really existed at all because many idealize the ‘golden age’ of Temuair that they first dreamed.

I found out long ago that fighting against the tide changes of Temuair is a sure way to burn out and be taken by the waves. Acceptance doesn’t mean forgetting, but it does allow you to see the possibilities of the future. If you truly care for the Temuair of the past and its legacy, then do not attempt to command the sun to rise in the west. Instead see the light of Danaan still reflecting from the moon and use that Light that remains to inspire Temuair in its twilight like those that did when this dream was young.


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