Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Deoch Mass 10-16-2019 - Our Unique Voice

The first time I stood at the head of a Deoch congregation, I was little more than a handful of Deochs an Aisling. My mentors, Casiell and Carnaugh, saw I had a passion for Deoch and they encouraged me to start my own mass and help fill out an already robust Deoch Mass schedule.

When the sun of my first arrived, I came to the temple and stood with my back up against the very statue. To put it simply… I was terrified. The few people that were in attendance were all older and wiser than I, by far. What I offered as my sermon were stuttering, disjointed thoughts pieced together from my still nascent understanding of Deoch and my own place in Temuair. After it was over and the temple had emptied, I told my mentors that I felt as if I wasn’t worthy to hold worship in Deoch’s name in front of these people so much better with words than I was.

It is what one of them told me in my moment of most need that I want to share with you today. He said: ’As Aislings it is the unique voice that each of us has, not the words themselves, that makes us special.’

Not exactly a straightforward bit of sage wisdom, but it has been one that I have thought about in the many decades since.

In time I believe came to understand what he was trying to tell me. Every one of us, should we choose to find and use it, has our own unique voice that gives sound to our passions and emotions. Anyone can use words to any end, that in itself is not difficult. But when someone finds their unique voice, their words take on a transcendent power.

The voice of a poet can stir the soul, the voice of a politician rallys others to their cause, the voice of a teacher grips the imagination of their students.

My mentors heard my passion and guided me to use my voice as a preacher to inspire faith. I am grateful for their prompting, I am here today because of the belief they had in me.

As it was in my case, it is often times that others see our strengths before we can ourselves. Perhaps there is someone you know that needs a similar prompting to use their own unique voice? If you see the passion in another, encourage them and help them find where their voice rings true. It is the many unique voices in their suited place that brings harmony to Temuair. And there is always room for another in the choir.

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