Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Deoch Mass - 5-8-2019

It is an honor to stand here, giving praise to Deoch once again.

May you embrace that which makes you an Aisling, the gift of Deoch and the Inspiration that you have fostered within yourself.

Deoch started as the god of debauchery, a lord of dark under the Dark god himself. He did not conquer through force like his Dubhamid kin, he seduced and tempted good people into becoming willing slaves and then damned them to a life of enslavement as a consequence. Let there be no mistake: in those days, Deoch was cruel and, true to his nature at the time, he reveled in his work under Chadul.

Now, we know Deoch as the god of creativity and inspiration. Deoch forsook his servitude to Chadul and completed the unfinished the work of Danaan, the Spark, giving birth to an entirely new type of people that shatter predestination with their every step: we Aislings. In doing this, Deoch did the impossible, he melded the existing energy of Danaan’s Light with his own Darkness to create something never before conceived; the height of inspired creativity.

It is wise to think on this dramatic change in Deoch’s nature. The legends tell us that it was Deoch falling in love with Danaan that triggered that change. If love can turn a God away from the Darkness in such a way, surely there is hope for even the most evil and loathed among us.

We Aislings have been here over twenty cycles. In that time, there are countless among us that have felt wronged by others; maybe we even consider the wrongs done onto us as malicious acts perpetrated by someone whose only goal was to wound us.

But remember Deoch’s example… if gods can change, surely we as Aislings can as well. Do not allow old wounds to fester into everlasting blind hatred. We have all given Deoch a second chance, perhaps there are those you know that are also in need of a second look.

Among us are hundreds of brothers and sisters connected through Deoch’s gift. All capable of redemption. Give them that chance and you grow your Spark stronger… our community stronger... as a result.

(Remarks as written, not as delivered)

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