Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Deoch Mass 5-22-2019

It is an honor to stand here, giving praise to Deoch once again.

May you embrace that which makes you an Aisling, the gift of Deoch and the Inspiration that you have fostered within yourself.

This temple, in one form or another, has existed for over twenty cycles. In that time countless Aisings have walked these halls. Some of them stepped in once and never returned. Others have worn a deep path and become a part of the history of Deoch’s temple.

It wasn’t long ago that the Temuairian temples had fallen silent. When I had first started to dream in Temuair again, I thought on this state of affairs for awhile. I considered that maybe everything worth saying had been said or maybe people had heard enough and the worship of the Temuarian Gods had run its course. After all, laws keep being made even if nobody is actively worshiping Gramail; the flowers still grow if there isn’t a Cail mass every double-moon, and new Aislings are still born if there is no one giving a sermon to Deoch.

But I was told about a Sgrios Mass that was trying to get something started so I decided to attend. And I saw that people came to hear the word of Sgrios.

A few moons later, someone held -- such as it was -- an impromptu mass to Glioca and people came to worship. Then Luathas and Fiosachd and the same happened there as well. The congregations were small, sometimes only a few people, but people came all the same.

When I started this (mostly) regular mass to Deoch. Attendance was small at first -- as it as always been here in Suomi -- but grew over time. Not because anyone is making it a point to come and listen to me speak or because they get some kind of real reward for coming… no, instead we gather because of the draw of community. The communal atmosphere of welcoming one another by being in the same space for the same purpose… giving praise to Deoch together.

The crowds may not be as large and the speakers not as grandiose as they once were when the first Aislings were still young. But no matter how small our numbers get, the draw of community only gets larger and more important as we move forward together.

History continues. I hope you will all continue to add your footsteps to this temple’s history along with me as we keep the worship of Deoch alive here in Temuair for a long time to come.

(Remarks as written, not as delivered)

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