Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Deoch Mass 4-17-2019

It is an honor to stand here, giving praise to Deoch once again.

May you embrace that which makes you an Aisling, the gift of Deoch and the Inspiration that you have fostered within yourself.

Just some short thoughts for today...

To put it simply: we were all once Mundanes until being granted the Spark by Deoch, birthing us into this new life. Through this gift, our former Mundane selves became something fundamentally _different_, we became Aislings.

Before the Spark, our lives were not so unlike the flotsam on the waters of the oceans. Subject to the whims of whatever would act upon the flow; simply riding the seas of change where we would eventually sink into oblivion. But as Aislings, we were given autonomy; we were given the gift of struggle. Against the tide, against the waves, against the destiny that others would try and place upon us.

As an Aisling, you are an unknown variable. Be it the unknown schemer who plans on impacting history or the very machinations of the Gods... everything is planned and everything is certain until an Aisling becomes involved.

Temuair is molded by our actions and its future hinges on the impact we wish to make. Each of us is a nation of thoughts, sovereign. But what good is that internal choir if we do not share and learn from one another? To learn and to grow beyond our own means is core to the Aisling experience.

Our time here in Temuair is purely what we decide to make of it. Deoch was inspired to finish Danaan’s work and create the Aisling. What will you create? Who will you inspire? The answers we each individually have to these questions will determine our collective future here in Temuair.

(Comments as written not as delivered)

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