Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Deoch Mass 12-8-2021 - Stories

The very first Aislings told stories. They would gather in taverns, fairs, the glade, and of course in temples; there they would share their inspiration with one another.

Why? Not merely because it was a good excuse to sit around and down pints of mead, rum, or wine… although it was _also_ that. And a mighty fine excuse it is. But… no, they did it because it was in their nature.

Telling stories is at the very core of the Aisling Spirit. Whether they take the form of heroic myths, fae inspired poems, tales of the gods, or just our shared history; the stories Aislings tell have enriched Temuair through the cycles in a way that Mundanes no longer can.

Stories grow out of our lives, like the roots that grow out of trees. This land is filled with the unseen roots of stories. The stories that Aislings have told through the ages have grown the narrative of this world. The legacy of our kind.

Sadly, storytellers have become a rarer breed over time. Without them, we lose our unique identity and Temuair becomes like any other land drifting in the domain of dreams.

That makes it more important than ever to tell our stories here and now. As much as our bodies require food and drink, so too do our souls have need of stories for sustenance. Without them, the Aisling spirit starves and the lush backdrop of Temuair ceases to grow.

I ask you to support those storytellers that still carry the bounty of the Spirit. Support them until you, yourself, find the voice to tell your own stories; joining with the chorus of all those who came before.

For all the stories that we have yet to tell and the ones we will yet create with one another, let us bow our heads in prayer.

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