Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Deoch Mass 9-18-2019

It is an honor to stand here, giving praise to Deoch once again.

May you embrace that which makes you an Aisling, the gift of Deoch and the Inspiration that you have fostered within yourself.

This is the path that we walk to cleanse our mistakes:

Admission; learn a lesson
Apologize; forgive yourself
Move forward to the future.

In our time here in Temuair, we have all made mistakes. Many of those come with a Scar of Sgrios. A reminder of those times we slipped up and got dragged away from the realm of the living. The price for our salvation; a bite from the God of Death rendered from the very core of our being.

Sgrios’s Scar is a reminder of that mistake. Rarely do we get hung up on mistakes like these, because of how deceptively simple it is to cleanse away and continue with life.

But there are many other mistakes we make that do not provide such a persistent reminder to walk the path. Mistakes that are not always as easy for us to cope with, those that hurt those closest to us and even sunder the confidence we have in ourselves. These kinds of mistakes bring scars of a different nature. Scars on the psyche, not so easily cleansed.

However, like the simple ones, we work through these mistakes in the same manner: Reflect upon them, apologize to others, forgive ourselves, and finally continue on.

But it is not always a simple path to walk. Sometimes we go through these steps slowly or not at all, stubbornly allowing our pride to hold us back. I have learned well just how powerful that feeling can be in the face of my very own mistakes... to which there has been a great deal during my time in Temuair, especially in my younger Deochs.

But disarm pride by reminding yourself that the path isn’t walked to hold us to account for our mistakes. That is done regardless of our actions. This path, instead,offers freedom of the mind. A release from the burden that we hold on ourselves because of our mistakes and their consequences.

Find inspiration from Deoch and in yourself to always walk this path whenever you make a mistake, no matter what it is. Cleanse the scars that are heavy upon you and move forward, ready for what’s next.

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