Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Deoch Mass - 3-13-2019

It is a honor to stand here, giving praise to Deoch once again.

May you embrace that which makes you an Aisling, the gift of Deoch and the Inspiration you have fostered within yourself.

It has been one hundred and sixty two Deochs since the dawn of Aisling kind. That is an astonishing fact to think about. I can assure you that even the most forward thinking Aislings of that first crop could not have imagined that Temuair would still be here after all this time.

If there has been one constant during this long road it would be that many Aislings through the cycles have left Temuair dismayed by what they saw as a degrading of the Aisling Spark. Every new generation starting with the first had Dreamers that found faults with their peers and prophesied 
the end of Temuair. Yet despite everything, just as the Light stands against the Darkness… just as we all stand here now... the Aisling Spark Endures.

Twenty cycles since the dawning and there are Aislings still shining their creativity and inspiration in Temuair. Smaller numbers, yes, but still motivated and exercising the gifts of Deoch with words and actions.

Sometimes I feel like a Dreamer whose time has long passed but yet I find myself continually surprised by encounters of kindness and heartened by the creativity of those Aislings who still find their way into Temuair . These encounters leave me inspired and hopeful that Temuair will continue to defy those that forecasted the end of the Spark.

Those of you that remain, Temuair is in your hands. Continue to surprise those that heralded the doom of this world. Your Light illuminates Temuair and the Aisling Spark endures because of you and your actions.

Go forward and spread the word of Deoch. Mass is cast.

[ Remarks as written, not as delivered. ]

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