Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Deoch Mass 2-20-2019

It is a pleasure to stand here, giving praise to Deoch once again.

May you embrace that which makes you an Aisling, the gift of Deoch and the Inspiration that you have fostered within yourself.

Soon, I will start giving this mass every double-moon ((every Wednesday starting on March 6th)) at the same time you are here now. Back a long time ago, this was the standard schedule for masses all over Temuair. At one point, across the eight faiths, there were more than twenty masses every double moon… it is almost hard to imagine but it is indeed true! So much inspiration and wisdom flowed from the Temples back in those days.

Things have been bleak for the religious temples in Temuair for quite some time. But, just as the light endures through the darkness, the Temples have endured and now are making a comeback. It is not just I starting a regular mass time, but priests from Fiosachd and Luathas have announced their intentions as well; there have also been rumblings from the sleeping giant that is Glioca temple. Regardless of what religion you belong to, I encourage everyone to attend these masses and refresh yourself in the creativity of these dedicated priests.

In preparation of once again holding this regular mass, these are the things I try and keep in mind

Inspiration cannot be faked. When something begs to be said, the words will flow like the ink to the paper. This process cannot be forced, people will know just as the reader who sees writing created with too little ink. The words will not be as bold; not as complete.

It is inevitable that there will be times when the ink well is empty; like inspiration has left you. When this happens -- and it will happen -- know a simple truth: you must be inspired in order to inspire others. As I talked about at my last mass, the inspiration and creativity within us is not an ever flowing wellspring. It cannot be used endlessly and recklessly. Just like our bodies, it requires replenishment or else it will grow dry and empty.

So, what is it that inspires you?

For me, it is a combination of things old and things new. I often think about friends I have made during my long time in Temuair and I reflect on the things they taught me. And if I’m not in a reflecting mood, I enjoy the creative spirit of others that continue to inhabit Temuair: the work of the Suomi Troupe, teachers at the college, and the priests attempting to revive their temples.

Whatever it may be, find what inspires you and drink it in, replenish your own creativity, that which makes you an Aisling. So that you may do the same for others. That is how we rebuild this community -- together.

Go forward and spread the word of Deoch. Mass is cast.

(Words as written, not as delivered)

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Deoch Mass 2-6-2019

It is a pleasure to stand here, giving praise to Deoch once again.

May you embrace that which makes you an Aisling, the gift of Deoch and the Inspiration that you have fostered within yourself.

Deoch was a being born of pure Darkness. Cunning was Deoch, the servant of Chadul. He did not serve on the front lines of battle; instead, as a god of Debauchery, Deoch was used to entice people to the side of Darkness; make them willing and eager servants of the Dark. In this way, Deoch was much more powerful a weapon than the regular Dubhamid who conquered through fear, terror, and destruction.

We do not know how many for certain, but we can surmise that many, many people experienced torturous service and fates worse than death because of actions that Deoch had taken. Some might say -- indeed, I would say -- that Deoch was a terrible and loathsome monster. Truly deserving of high ranking among the armies of Chadul.

But the full story of Deoch teaches us one important truth. Even in Deoch, a creature born of pure darkness responsible for the deaths and enslavement of countless lives, there is redemption.

At a mass a while back I told the tale of how Deoch found Danaan, his mortal enemy, alone and vulnerable. He remained in hiding, but continued to watch. Bathed in the Light of Danaan; Deoch, had his first true choice and that choice was to shed his shackles to Chadul and forsake his servitude to him.

When Deoch stepped forward to finish the work on the Aisling Spark that Danaan left behind, He created us with the ability to choose, much like he did when he cast off his servitude to Chadul. Unlike Mundanes whose lives are predetermined, we Aislings have our own free will to determine our own destinies.

When deeds and actions are done through control, nothing is gained or lost. But when someone chooses their own path and their own action, that impact changes everything.

This is the lesson Deoch learned and he passed it on in his creation of us.

Every time we make a choice, just as he did, to turn away from the Darkness… that Darkness grows weaker. Through our ability to choose, we Aislings have largely been a tide of Light against the Dark. Not because we have to; but because we choose to.

In this way, my friends, we are the Redemption of Deoch. For all the suffering, grief, and pain that Deoch caused as a servant of Chadul; Deoch, our co-creator, is redeemed through our actions.

Let us think on this as we go about our lives these next set of moons.

Go forward and spread the word of Deoch. Mass is cast.

(Remarks as written not as delivered.)